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Electro Brain 1991


Eliminator Boat Duel

Brother your ship has finally come in! Get ready, get psyched, get turboed for the sea a'thrill of your aquatic life as you delve into the racing scene. Your dream - to dethrone the emperor of foul play, the king of sore losers, the legendary Power Boating League World Champion - Disaster Don. He's as cunning as he is rotten and if you don't believe he'll rock your world to stop you from pulling a coup you're about a quart low. This race ain't over 'til the fat lady sings and Don's hearing soprano.

But hey, the competition doesn't start here. No sir, first you've got to get by seven of the world's most aggressive enthusiasts, except to them this boating trip ain't no holiday. A high seas demolition derby does have strong potential though. Leme tell ya man, the bounty boys are here to collect and they'd love nothing more than to reap what they plan to sow on you and your boat so they can take the title for themselves.

Take 'em on in the ocean, the bayou and the wharf. Whoa, look out for the pearly whites of the gator, the snapping jaws of the great white and the crazy swimmers that wade into your path. Jump over objects, roar past the buoy and race to the checkered flag. Watch out for the nasty's ram attack, one too many collisions could sink both your Eliminator and your dreams. Use prize money to visit the drydock and beef up your boat, add a turbo charger and repair hull damage. You don't crack under pressure, the same holds true for your boat. Fortunately you've got the tool to keep the baddies from making you throw in the towel.

Ever since you were a little tike of about nine you've dreamed of racing the leanest, the meanest, radical raspberry red Eliminator 234 Edge the likes and sounds of which the world gas never, ever seen before. you know, a boat with such a thunderous roar the competitors quake but the beautiful beach babes swoon. Nothing is better than that. Right now both are within your grasp, that is if you get to the races. So get goin', buckle up and get set for a rocky ride. In the end you'll be more than a star, you'll be a champ!